Thursday, March 12, 2009

New granddaughter

Words can not describe the joys of watching a baby be born.. Last Friday 3\6\09 my daughter Shannon had my first granddaughter. Shannon named the baby McKenzie Ann, she is so small and sweet I am grateful all went well with her. Mom and baby are doing great. Devin said to me "McKenzie is lucky to have me for a big brother" and he is so right. I got to spend some time with all three of my grand kids over the weekend it was GREAT fun and it was so good to have my kids with me as well, except Steph she was in Mexico for work, but Brandon was here from school, and Tom, Brittney and Braxton came from Vegas It really was a great time. Family... nothing like it


Gene and Lorie Brinkerhoff said...

What a sweet granddaughter I can't wait to see her
You are an awesome grandma

Danna Smith said...

Congratulations Sheri! Give her a kiss from us in California.